The Power Of Source One As A Primary Source For The Victory Of World War One

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Source one is a primary source that depicts a lion and a beaver armed with swords with a text claiming victory. The idea behind the creation of this source was to get people to recognize that, with Canada’s help, Great Britain was going to win World War One. Within the background of the poster, a lion is crowned and equipped with a sword. The lion, at the time, symbolized Britain’s courage during the war as it represented the strength of Britain’s soldiers. The soldiers had an advantage during the war given that they were well equipped, well paid and well fed. In front of the lion, a beaver wearing a military hat, also armed with a sword, is marching alongside the lion. The beaver is a symbol of Canada’s support of Great Britain during the …show more content…

This can be seen as Britain's determination to defeat Germany in the war. When drawing from these details, we can assume the intended audience is the people of Great Britain and Canada, as it allows the people to believe that they are going to win the war. The meaning behind the source is that with the support of Canada, Great Britain can have a stronger advantage in the war and have a better chance at claiming victory. The benefit of the perspective of the source is that it gives the present generation, with deep thought, a look into Great Britain’s alliance with Canada at the time of the first World War. It allows the younger generations of Canada to feel a sense of nationalism for their country for participating in such a brutal war and to respect the losses our country took for being in the war. This source can be seen as an example of civic nationalism as it uses the shared beliefs or values that Great Britain and Canada shared, which was to claim victory in the war. Although Canada was forced to go to war, they didn’t have a conscientious objection to it, given they were able to determine the amount of war effort they put …show more content…

In the middle of the poster, there is an angry gorilla wearing a German military hat holding a bat and a woman. The gorilla is to be representing Germany, as the country was very animalistic and unpredictable during the war. This can be seen as a form of racism, as the creator of this source is referring to a country as a wild, temperamental creature, which is a form of discrimination. The bold text at the top of the poster is used to invoke fear of the enemy as a military recruitment form. America wished for as many men as possible to enlist in the war to fight against Germany, so they created this fear of Germany to get able bodied men to enlist in the war. The gorilla is seen holding a woman, presumably Lady Liberty. This can be seen as a type of bait for the men as Lady Liberty was the symbol of American freedom. The poster could be hinting that Americans should enlist in war to defeat Germany and gain back their freedom. When drawing from the details encapsulated, the poster tries to encourage the men of America into believing that they must destroy Germany in the war to save their freedom. The intent behind the source is to bring attention that Germany was going to take over the United States