The Pros And Cons Of A Code Of Ethics In Healthcare

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Many Americans assume that the veterans and their dependents were receiving healthcare at the many Medical Centers around the United States. Some problems with leadership in relation to ethical decision making were identified at a few of the facilities. There are two policies/standards that could have assisted with the numerous amounts of veterans that were missing from the Phoenix wait list. Although Secretary Shinseki resigned, there were other options to explore. And, the American College of Healthcare Executives Code of Ethics is a guide which encompasses what the healthcare executive’s responsibilities are ethically.
Question 1
Common sense seems to dictate that leaders make ethical decisions. In reference to the Case Study, the secretary of Veterans Affairs (VA), was to initiate a plan that would improve the healthcare experience for veterans and their dependents. A leadership problem noted is the lack of motivation or direction by the staff. According to Harrison (2016), a staff that …show more content…

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