
The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Is abortion moral? This question is one that we have asked each other for generations. The ancient Muslims and Christians pondered over it, the first Americans struggled with it, and today, with more information than ever before at our fingertips, we might be able to finally answer that age old question. Is abortion moral, is it safe, and should it be legal? What are the advantages and disadvantages of abortion and how do Pro-life and Pro-Choice views differ. Abortion is defined as the “termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of an embryo or fetus” (Merriam Webster n/p). The purpose of my paper is to find out using facts, if abortion is safe and moral.
Abortion, to some, is a heinous …show more content…

While these may sound as if they are common and dangerous, they are few and far between. Planned Parenthood states on its website that about 99% of in-clinic abortions are successful and have no long lasting physical effects. They also provide an abortion pill with an average 96% success rate. The chance of a complication occurring during an abortion is quite low. The chance of long lasting physiatric effects is also rare. Although it can last layer into life, physiological problems are only common within the first few weeks to months after the procedure. These problems mostly include remorse, guilt, and occasional regret. This does not happen to everyone though and may affect some more than others. For most, these are just the feelings that you would expect to have after such a procedure are are not long lasting. One complication that is common is an increase in bleeding from the vagina after the abortion. This is however, completely normal. This can last between two and four …show more content…

We kill trees who have but a speck of life without remorse and we kill animals that are fully alive for our own benefit. Why are humans different. In fact, even the act of birth is surrounded by death. When a woman's egg is not fertilized, that chance at a human dies. When a man doesn't fertilize an egg the sperm die, and even once an egg has been fertilized, only one sperm becomes human. The rest all die. That is millions of little deaths. They cannot think, and they feel no pain so they are the same as the embryo. Not quite human. Annother common fact is that the fetus cannot feel pain until 20 weeks gestation. It would have never known that is was aborted and it would never feel

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