The Pros And Cons Of Abortion

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Abortion has been a major issue within the United States, but as well as in the rest of the world. For example, abortion is the elective intentional killing of a human being. Also, abortion can lead to possible medical complications later in life. Lastly, many Americans are pro-life, so using tax payers’ money is morally and physically wrong. Abortion is the intentional killing of a human being. The killing of a fetus, may be called “murder” of a human being for many Americans whom do not support abortion. Murder of an embryo or fetus is removing it from the womb before it can actually survive. There is also other method of abortion called “late termination of pregnancy”, this happens after the fetus could eventually survive, but it is killed either way. According to the “Pro-Life vs Pro-Choice” article, it states “abortion is the painful killing of an innocent human being.” This quote is prove that an innocent fetus is killed painfully, so the mother would live her life without the thought of she has done. …show more content…

The complications may result from heavy bleeding from the female vagina, smelly female discharge, and vomiting that is likely to last up to 5 hours. All these symptoms can accord at the same times for days or even weeks. This is no joke, these are serious symptoms that can be threating to one’s health. According to “WebMD”, it states “right after surgery, you will be taken to a recovery area where nurses will care for and observe you”. This quote clearly states the circumstances you will be facing on the aftermath on having an abortion. Do not painfully murder your innocent child, you’ll be facing many difficulties in your