Different Types Of Air Pollution

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Throughout research and over the years, air pollution has been through big discussions. It’s been a very well known topic, but there’s not much being done about the problem. Air pollution can seem like such a small issue, but it leads to so much more than just bad quality air. It leads to global warming, affecting climate changes, personal along with environmental health. Air pollution can fall into three main categories. Produced by mobile sources such cas vehicle engines from gasoline-powered cars, stationary sources such as mining, coal production or heating from homes, and indoor sources such as tobacco smoking. (Yeung. 2000)
Our atmosphere is Earth’s protective layer, made up of gas particles and clouds. With the use of burning fossil …show more content…

A ground-level ozone known as Smog formed in polluted regions. This is due to the increased heat and warmer atmosphere created by air pollution and global warming. This type of smog can irritate the lungs and trigger attacks in individuals who have asthma. Long term exposure to the ozone gases are associated with decrease in lung function. (Yeung. 2000) As stated previously, a dry, hotter environment fuels wildfires. These wildfires attack our health by releasing smoke, degrading our air and health along with it. The extreme heat waves causes more deaths. When an individual’s body temperature is too high, their cells begin to die. An essential human need such as water is affected by climate change, damaging our body. Warmer water is a breeding environment for bacteria to …show more content…

As time went on, trees used to help reduce the level of carbon dioxide along with other greenhouses gases got cut down. The numbers of trees and forest began to decrease in order to build homes, factories, and cities. As human life became to advance, we added more pollution into our atmosphere. This began to affected climate change due to the extra amount of heat energy being trap on earth’s surface. The surface of our planet became hotter, it created a breeding ground for droughts, wildfires and massive hurricanes. The warmth melted away our glaciers and ice caps, not only destroying arctic habitats along with it, it rose the sea levels allowing floods. Air pollution created a massive chain effect on Earth, not only degrading our air quality, its destroying habitats, marine life, the environment and human health along with