
The Pros And Cons Of Genetic Screening

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Imagine creating the “perfect” baby by being able to choose the genes or traits of your unborn child? Not only would parents be able to select the traits that would be less prone for disease, but they would even be able to select the gender as well. With the ever-changing technology and advances in modern medicine today, advanced genetic screening has been an ongoing controversial issue. Genetic screening is a systematic investigation for persons with a specific genotype. The screening provides scientist and physicians the information and ability to alter the human genotype. Customarily genetic screening is only used when a person shows risk for a disease or trait and genetic testing is then performed to identify the exact cause of the disease or disorder. Although the advances in medicine and technology have given scientists and physicians the knowledge and power to identify cancer-causing genes, should these same advances grant parents the opportunity or power to choose their unborn child’s traits? Even though genetic screening is legal, is it ethically right to use these advances to create the “perfect” baby?
As genetic screening is gaining an increasingly large presence in the world and technology …show more content…

The new technology is being taken further where parents are able to choose the gender of the baby. As advancements increase, parents are able to choose certain traits of their child, which many have coined with the term “Designer Babies.” According to Miksanek, “Many people are not sold on the idea of genetic manipulation. They are not ready to assign reproduction to the sterile and restricted environs of the laboratory. Public opinion polls report that approximately two-thirds of US respondents believe that tinkering with the human genome opposes the will of God” (Green, 2008). It is morally unethical

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