The Pros And Cons Of Genetically Engineering Babies

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Genetically engineering babies is the process of adding or changing the sequence in DNA of the baby. For example, selecting the gender of a baby. In the twenty first century, there are controversies whether or not genetically engineering babies should be permitted. While there is evidence to support both sides, it is clear that designer babies should be legal, specifically mitochondrial transfer. Because it rids and reduces risk of diseases, parents get a say in what gender their child is, and gives infertile women a chance to have a child.
The ethnicity of this process is often questioned. One viewpoint is; we are given this information, and new technology so we can use it. Additionally, all parents ever want is the best for their child. …show more content…

Genetically engineering babies is an alternative for a lifetime of doctors and medicine. It prevents against genetic diseases and replaces a diseased gene with a healthy one. Scientists published in the journal “nature”; Mitochondrial defects affect 1 in every 4,000 children, and can cause rare and fatal illnesses. They are also implicated in a wide range of common diseases, like multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease. Mitochondria have their own DNA and are only inherited from mothers. Replacing defective mitochondria in eggs from mothers who have a high risk of passing on such diseases could help spare the children. This is one of many pros to designer babies. This specific example does not involve trait selection or changing actual DNA, it is a mitochondrial transfer. A mitochondrial transfer basically creates a three-parent baby; the scientists take the mother’s egg cell and replace the defective mitochondrial DNA with healthy one from another women. Furthermore; as early as 1996, The Collins’ intended to conceive a girl, as their first two children were boys and the couple wanted a daughter in the family… The Collins’ decision to have a “designer baby” by choosing the sex of their child entered the public vernacular when they were featured in Time Magazine’s 1999 article "Designer