The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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‘’Wake up!’’ there is someone in the house. You hurry up reaching for the gun and run as fast as you can to catch the intruder. The intruder sights the gun and within seconds; he leaves. What if there is a different scenario? ‘’Wake up!’’ there is someone in the house. You hurry up reaching for your baseball bat and you asked your wife to call 911. The intruder sights the baseball bat and doesn’t feel threatened. He attacks. It’s been 5 minutes ...10 minutes. The intruder kills your wife with the gun and kidnaps your child and leaves. It’s been 15 minutes, and finally the police arrives. The police promises you that they will bring the right of your dead wife, and try all they can to bring back your child. 75-80 percent of police officers who get called to crime scene arrive 10-15 minutes after the crime was committed in America. Since 1982, regulations on an individual’s right to arms have been negotiated. 55 percent of Americans see direct correlation between guns and crimes,but they don’t see the other side of the story. Guns is not what causes these crimes.Because of the real meaning behind the second amendment, the real reason behind mass shootings, and the …show more content…

At that time, Militias were well defined as regulated groups controlled by the individual colonies and later the states.The second amendment was ratified in 1791 as colonists began to rise up against the British authority. Early, Americans were denied basic rights, including that to carry firearms. The Founding Fathers recognized through the success of their revolution the potential benefits of an armed citizenship in dispelling a distant government. Owning guns is what made Americans free and less vulnerable. Each individual needs to be safe from tyranny and have the right to own a