The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control Laws

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When I was seven years old, I spent my christmas with my grandmother in Gary Indiana. After we were done eating Christmas dinner, I opened my last present. It was a stuffed animal dog. I went to bed clinging on to my stuffed animal with a smile on my face. I was aroused the next morning with three loud bangs coming from outside. I woke my brother up, who had fallen asleep on the couch across from me and together we put on our coats and boots and walked outside to see what was the matter. There, in the middle, of the street, where,, two dead bodies turing the snow a dark red color. Next to them, were two guns. It ead me to think about other states gun control laws and how it makes people safe. I chose the states Idaho has the most lenient gun control laws because of mass shooting because according to “Gun And Weapon Law” from the official website of the state of Idaho by Cody Haskell it states, “There is no state permit required for the purchase of any rifle, shotgun, or handgun.” This evidence supports the claim that Idaho has the most lenient gun control laws because of mass shooting because if someone wanted to buy a firearm but they didn’t need a state permit to do so, the weapon could …show more content…

Just because the convict went through a process doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be things out there that triggers them to use a gun for harming people, like revenge. It would not be safe for the citizens if a former convict to weild a gun again. Mississippi Gun Laws- Gun/” Gun. N.p. Web. 06 Mar. 2018 https:// gun.laws. Com/

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