The Pros And Cons Of Gun Control

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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.", states the Second Amendment. Guns should not be illegal because it is the people who don’t follow the laws that are committing crimes with guns. Guns are a source of protection. We use these guns to keep criminals out of our homes. If the government were to take our guns away from us, it would leave us defenseless in against criminals who will do anything to get money. The government argues that the police provides us protection, but they are not the easiest or fastest way to defend your home. So say your house gets broken in to. You could call 911 and hide, supplying the criminals with whatever …show more content…

The average person could build one with a few machines and metal scraps.(will) The police would be running in circles trying to collect all guns. Most criminals bought their guns illegally on the streets. (nij) The average age was from 15- 24. Also, most crime has occurred in large cities.(bjs) There is a one in two hundred thousandth chance of getting shot by a gun, but guns shouldn’t be your biggest worry. You are 29 times more likely to be killed in a car accident, should we make cars illegal?(will) If you are 29 times more likely to be killed in a car accident, shouldn’t we be focusing on our cars and not our guns?
There are plenty tools that help humans, but when used in the wrong way or by the wrong person, others can be harmed. Guns are for hunting and protection. If guns get in the wrong hands, they can be a deadly weapon. The fact is, guns are used the most in murders, rather than knifes or other …show more content…

They thought the same with drugs. By making them illegal, it was supposed to eliminate them. Guns will just pour through the United States/Mexico border like drugs are now. Anthony Coulson, the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency District Office in Tucson said,“Right now, the volume of marijuana that will be seized in southern Arizona will be approximately, we predict, 1.4 million pounds [700 tons] by the end of this calendar year. That is beyond what we've ever seized before.”(illegal drugs) If that many drugs can be smuggled across the border in a single state, imagine how many guns could be smuggled. Until the borders are sealed, we shouldn’t make guns illegal.
It is the people in the United States that think it is okay to murder someone else that are the problem. Mentally ill or mentally unstable people shouldn’t be able to own a gun. Some people can’t handle that much power. Only responsible people should have