The Pros And Cons Of Legalizing Marijuana

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Introduction The legalization of marijuana has been one of the largest growing debates. The government has constantly fought to keep marijuana an illegal substance in the United States. Although naturally grown and proving to be less dangerous, these facts have still yet to change the minds of many Americans. So the debate to legalize marijuana will continue to be argued. In fact, there are many pros and cons surrounding the legalization of marijuana. Found below are the disadvantages and advantages of legalizing marijuana. Cons There are many reasons why people choose to stand on the opposite side of the debate to legalize marijuana. These people strongly oppose the use of marijuana, and the legalization for any purpose. In fact, marijuana has been considered as a schedule one drug, meaning it has high potential for abuse. Like many other illicit drugs, the FDA have banned the use of marijuana. As reported, “the FDA has not approved marijuana as a safe and effective drug for any indication” (Ferner, 2014). At this time, clinical trials have only proven that certain parts of the plant have been found to be beneficial, as …show more content…

Marijuana has less toxics, unlike alcohol cigarettes, and others licit drugs, the negative side effects have been proven to be greater than marijuana. In fact, alcohol consumption or abuse has been reported to cause more damage to society then use marijuana. It is rarely seen, in fact hardly ever seen where an individual smoking marijuana alone has led to violent behaviours, compared to alcohol abuse. In fact, according to MSNCB, “… study drew a link between marijuana and alcohol use, surmising that the legalization of pot could cause the number of alcohol-fueled crimes to decline” (Delmore, 2014). So compared to other drugs, there are more advantages of the use of the illicit drug marijuana, than some licit