The Pros And Cons Of Medical Marijuana

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Mother Nature’s Pharmacy Farm “Growing marijuana is like having a Pharmacy Farm, and of all the drugs, the ones from Mother Nature are the best.” (Kintz, Good Reads) Most people believe marijuana to be a harmful drug, but is it really harmful? Marijuana has some problems associated with it, but all of the benefits outweigh the difficulties of using it. For example, marijuana has many health benefits that have healed many problems that were believed to be unhealable. The biggest risks so far have been the smoking end of it, which can be prevented through other means like consumption. Likewise other means of consumption can also have different positive effects on your health. In other words marijuana can help many people fighting a disease …show more content…

Although some may say marijuana should not be legalized, marijuana should be legalized because of the Health benefits, lower Crime rate and it is less harmful than other legal drugs. Marijuana should be legalized because of the various health benefits. In the article “The pros and cons of Medical Marijuana” the author states, “Marijuana can relieve many types of chronic pain, nausea and vomiting from any number of ailments. Those suffering from illness such as multiple sclerosis, cancer and AIDS- or even the harsh drugs sometimes used to treat these problems- may benefit from consuming marijuana.” (The pros and… 16) This shows us proof that marijuana’s medical uses are more beneficial than they are harmful. For example, Marijuana might help take the pain away from a broken bone because, marijuana is a pain reliever for many illnesses and it helps to reverse the symptoms of other illnesses helping people to get better faster. Marijuana also …show more content…

According to the article “Repeal Prohibition” it states, “There were 658,000 arrests for marijuana possession in 2012…, compared with 256,000 for cocaine, heroin and derivatives.” (Repeal…6) This shows that if marijuana is legalized there will be a tremendous drop in criminal activity. For example, if cops no longer have to look for marijuana they can focus on actual harmful drugs like heroin because they are more of a problem. They also will no longer have to spend money on it so they can use it for other dangerous things. In the article “What Science Says About Marijuana” it states, “32 percent of tobacco users become dependent, as do 23 percent of heroin users, 17 percent of cocaine users and 15 percent of alcohol drinkers. But only 9 percent of marijuana users develop a dependence.” (What Science Says 13) This explains that people are more likely to become dependent of other drugs then on marijuana, and if they become dependent on it they will go to more heights to get it. Alcohol is legal, but it is also very easy to get attached to. Likewise, marijuana isn’t legal but it is harder to get attached to meaning people won’t go to extremes to get it. If marijuana is legalized it will help us to focus on other more dependent drugs that are actually dangerous like heroin. Marijuana should also be legalized because it isn’t as harmful as other drugs, not just because of the health and crime