The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Proliferation

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During World War II, there were some news that Germany had nuclear powers. These news were faced by an American-British collaboration. This collaboration in order to develop an atomic bomb. US citizens in The state of Hawaii woke up early on their weekend holiday on Wednesday 7th of December 1941 to know that more than 2,400 people were killed by a Japanese attack on the naval military base in Pearl Harbor. As a result, the United States declared war on Japan by a series of attacks ended with bombing two Japanese cities, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with the first ever used atomic bomb. This incidence was the start of the nuclear proliferation. From my point of view, I know that the nuclear weapons might kill thousands of people but at the same time the states who have nuclear powers have more security than the states who lack this advantage. In this paper, I’ll be arguing in this paper from a realist perspective. This perspective cares the most about The State and its Security. In the paper, I’ll be defining the nuclear proliferation and its types then I’ll show how absence of threats means more security, and then, through the Rational Deterrence, I’ll be arguing that the state that have nuclear ability is less likely to go to war than the state that doesn’t have this ability. In the next paragraphs, it will be shown that the states in the nuclear free zones are more threatened than the other countries that have nuclear proliferations.