The Pros And Cons Of Stem Cell Research

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Steam cells are various cells in the body that can reproduce themselves over and over again, they also regenerate and repair cells. They are also the cells needed to create a human being. These cells have so much potential, they are the focus of much research as a possible cure or treatment of all kinds of diseases. Stem cell research is a highly controversial issue and is often the center of many moral, ethical, and religious debate because stem cells are obtained from the cells of a human being.
Stem cells is different from other kinds of cells in the body. Regardless of their source having three general properties, they are capable of dividing and renewing themselves for long periods. Unlike muscle cells, blood cells, or nerve cells …show more content…

Here are some of the Pros for Stem cell; Stem cells provide huge potential for finding treatments and cures to a vast array of diseases including different cancers, diabetes, spinal cord injuries, Alzheimer's, MS, Huntington's, Parkinson's and more. Use of adult-derived stem cells, from blood, cord blood, skin and other tissues has been demonstrated to be effective for treating different diseases in animal models. Moreover, there have been many advances in adult stem cell research, including a recent study where pluripotent adult stem cells were manufactured from differentiated fibroblast by the addition of specific transcription factors. Newly created stem cells were developed into an embryo and were integrated into newborn mouse tissues, analogous to the properties of embryonic stem cells. Have also been isolated and utilized for various experimental treatments. Another option is the use of uniparental stem cells. Although these cells lines have some disadvantages or shortcomings compared to embryonic cell lines (they are shorter-lived), there is vast potential if enough money is invested in researching them further, and they are not technically considered individual living beings by pro-life advocates. Some of the Cons are; the use of embryonic stem cells involves the destruction of blastocysts formed form laboratory fertilized human eggs. If you believe that life begins at conception, the blastocyst …show more content…

Embryonic stem cells are first specialized into the necessary adult cell type. Once the cell mature, it replace tissue that is damaged by disease or injured. According to California’s Stem Cell Agency (2013), “treatment could be used to: replace neurons damaged by spinal cord injury, stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease or other neurological problems; produce insulin that could treat people with diabetes and heart muscle cells that could repair damage after a heart attack; replace virtually any tissue or organ that is injured or diseased. But embryonic stem cell-based therapies can do much more. Studying how stem cells develop into heart muscle cells could provide clues about how we could induce heart muscle to repair itself after a heart attack. The cells could be used to study disease, identify new drugs, or screen drugs for toxic side effects. Any of these would have a significant impact on human health without transplanting a single