
The Role Of Friendship In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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What is the true meaning of friendship? Friendship means having someone that a person can rely on at all times. Friendship is seen as a great thing for most people. At times, though, it may make life worse in certain situations. An example between this conflict is presented in the book Of Mice and Men. The main characters in this story, George and Lennie, have an unusual friendship. George screams at Lennie all the time because Lennie has the tendency to do dumb things because he has a mental problem. Even though George yells at Lennie, they both love each other and would do anything for one another. The question is, can this friendship be for the better or for worse? Based upon evidence in the book, they’re friendship is not even. The friendship …show more content…

If Lennie did not have George then, who knows if Lennie would still be alive. With all of this evidence, it is clear that Lennie benefits from the friendship that they have. Just because one side of the friendship benefits, does not mean the other does. George would not be in so many troubling situations if he had never met Lennie. Apart from that, George would not have had to go through the pain at the end of the book when George shot Lennie. The friendship came to a horrific end, but for George, all that came out of the friendship was negative all the time. Of course, George had someone to talk to, but it was not the best person for him. The texts …show more content…

Ever since then, all Lennie knew was to listen to what George said. Lennie was very loyal to George and that is one of the reasons George took care of him. At times, George would leave Lennie alone and only bad things would happen then. Lennie states,” I don’t want ta hurt you,” he said, “but George’ll be mad if you yell ” (Steinbeck 91). Lennie meant no harm to Curley’s wife. Lennie just did not want George to hear Curley’s wife’s screams. Since Lennie is big and rough, he ends up snapping Curley’s wife’s neck. Given that, it is evident that Lennie can not function without George in his life. Another example where George would have been better off without Lennie was on the ranch. The author

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