The Theory Of Planned Behavior

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In order to determine what constitutes a good theory, it is important to first understand what a theory is. A theory is described as “a coherent description, explanation and representation of observed or experienced phenomena” (Gioia & Pitre 1990, in Lynham 2000, p. 162). This assignment aims to critically assess and evaluate the Theory of Planned Behaviour against the properties of a good theory and ultimately conclude whether or not the Theory of Planned behaviour can be deemed a good theory. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1985) focuses on the way in which attitudes and beliefs interact to create behavioural intentions and action. The theory is a built on the Information Integration Theory (Anderson, 1971) and an extension of …show more content…

The Theory of Planned Behaviour suggests that attitude towards behaviour, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control, in conjunction shape individual behavioural intentions and behaviour (Sniehotta, Presseau & Araújo-Soares, 2014). The theory is well recognised by researchers, professionals and policy makers and is deemed the dominant theoretical approach to guide research on health-related behaviour. However, regardless of the theory’s popularity, it is essential to determine if the theory can, in fact, be deemed a ‘good theory’. Several different sets of criteria for evaluation of theories exists, this assignment will use the six criteria of a viable theory as proposed by Cramer (2013), to assess the Theory of Planned Behaviour. The six criteria include; comprehensiveness, precision and testability, parsimony, empirical validity, as well …show more content…

According to Hasbullah, Mahajar & Salleh (2014), the theory has been widely cited across health-related behavioural domains as the theory aids in understanding many issues relating to behavioural. Although the theory offers an explanation of volitional behaviours, the theory fails to highlight unplanned explanations such as unconscious influences on behaviour (Sniehotta, Presseau & Araújo-Soares, 2014). Overall, the Theory of Planned Behaviour can still be deemed comprehensive and inclusive of a broad scope of health related behaviours. Although comprehensiveness is a key criterion in what constitutes a good theory, it is solely not sufficient to judge the feasibility of the Theory of Planned Behaviour and other criteria in conjunction with comprehensiveness is