Behavior Change Theory Paper

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The Author discusses role of health care provider's communication to enhance behavioral change in patients. Healthcare providers play an important role in helping patients to change behavior. There are various theories and models have been discussed on how to communicate and to derive the most effective outcome of behavior change. Providers and researchers have come up with different theories of behavior change and suggested interventions that target social support, provider patient interaction, self efficacy , and coping. Author has discussed the principle of change theory which describes the incremental nature of change. Internal motivation ensure the permanent change. Reinforcement can positively or negatively motivates patients to continue or discontinue behavior. Social environment have direct effect of …show more content…

Individuals norms, belief and consistent behavior in society influence them. Behavior change can be supported or avoided depending upon the environment. Self efficacy or belief in one's capabilities helps individual to change in their behavior. Monitoring of intention to change and actual behavior are essential aspects of social cognitive theory. Empathy and understanding shown by healthcare provider can help patients to go through change process. In various research social support, self regulation and self efficacy were considered as important factors to behavior change. Theory of reasoned action (TRA) and theory of planned behavior (TPB) explains the behavior change as a factor of attitude, subjective norms, intentions and behavior. People got influenced by their environment or society, these influence them to behave in a particular manner. TPB is extension of TRA theory, which includes perceived behavioral control or self efficacy as a major