Training Intervention Project For Flexed IT Organization

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This project will look into training intervention project for Flexed IT Organisation and will examine an External Network Attachment training programme with cloud capability which apart from the monetary benefit will produce a lot of benefit that will make it stand out as a positive investment, furthermore I will discuss the importance of training in an organisation including the benefit, concept of training adult and the benefit of training in an organisation.
I will analyse the role of training need analysis in an organisation and different approach management use in in finding gap in training and at the end will evaluate and review the outcome of the training program.
Company background
Flexed IT Organisation employs 30 people on their …show more content…

It allows you to maximise your resources, ensures that you have the right and most important training delivered, form a foundation of your training program, provide bassline evaluation of a training program, identifies the gap between skills and aptitude and the current and required level of knowledge needed and identify what type of training needed to be delivered

Training Need Analysis (TNA)
Assessment of the training requirements of a target group in terms of number of trainees, their educational and professional background, their present level of competence, and the desired behaviour or skills level acquired at the completion of training.
(Definition by
Question That Needs to Be Address by Training Needs Analysis
What are the current external factors affecting the organisation?
What are the most important competitive issues facing the organisation?
How will training impact on the productivity, competitiveness and long term sustainability of the …show more content…

What are the key roles/areas in the organisation that needs the training?
What are the key skills linked with each of these roles/areas?
What are the key skills gaps?
How many people needs to be trained?
What is the time frame/critical milestone dates?
What is the best time of the day to release staff?
Do we need additional tutor support for some learners?
Steps of Training Needs Analysis
An effective training needs analysis will identify and address the training needs and will determine who needs to be train and will clarify training needs that will be adequate in line with existing and future business culture
Steps of producing training needs and analysis-
Determine the Outcomes
This is by clarifying goals of training and expected outcomes, allowing training goal to correspond with business objectives
Link Desired Outcomes with Employee Behaviours
Trainer will have to identify the competence that’s behaviour, skills, quality and knowledge that are link to desired outcome.
Identify Trainable Competence
Critical competence need to be evaluated to determine if they are ability one should possess prior to job entry or ability that can be learned on the job.
Evaluate Competence and Determine Performance