
Transgender Bathroom Policy Should Be Universal Across America Essay

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Many Americans, Republican or Democrat, would argue that having a transgender student in the bathroom matching their gender identity would create an unsafe environment and that men shouldn’t be in women's spaces, or vice versa. One woman even voiced her concern after seeing a “‘bearded individual’ in the women's changing room”(Gass). As it stands, each individual state has the freedom to allow or deny transgender students access to bathrooms. A handful of states have banned transgender students from using the bathroom of their identity, and Trump shows no sign of implementing transgender protection laws anytime soon. The question still stands- should the transgender bathroom policy be universal across america? Based on the negative impacts on the transgender community, the transgender bathroom policy should be universal across America as to protect these students.
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Other supporters remind us that Peeping Tom and Sexual Assault laws are still in place in every state(Gass). If any assault or incident occurs in which someone of the different gender is in the wrong bathroom, it can be dealt with under the Peeping Tom and Sexual Assault laws. “250 organizations working to reduce sexual assault and domestic violence — including the National Center on Domestic and Sexual Violence, the Battered Women’s Justice Project and the National Organization for Women — signed a letter entitled “Full And Equal Access For The Transgender Community” last April”(Kotch). In summary, the letter reads that coming from an educated stance, these organizations have gathered that it isn’t true that transgender individuals using their preferred bathroom will increase sexual assault cases(Kotch). While this argument may seem quite bias, there are national organizations doing research on this issue that back this up

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