Transgender Persuasive Essay

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Not everyone is aware with the term transgender, and there has been many stereotypes to this which has lead this into a controversial topic. So what is transgender? Transgender is denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex. Many people have gotten the wrong impression of this, leading to a different perspective than what it actually is causing this topic to be controversial. It is controversial due to the fact that not everyone accepts it. They see transgender people as homosexual, not knowing the difference between these two terms. Transgenders are not accepted into society. Transgenders are trapped into another person's body. For example, they can be born a boy but feel like a girl and it is their right to be …show more content…

However, half of the American population are against transgender people. My stand and position for this controversial issue is that I am in favor of this; I completely support and accept the rights to transgender people. There are many important people who fought for our rights and equality, but yet there seems to be a problem in accepting equality for those among us. In this case, transgenders, Where are their rights? We live in a free country, but yet there is still discrimination. Their rights are very limited. Also, this can affect others by them violating people's humans rights. Transgender people have to choose to drop some human rights in order to have others respected, which is completely absurd. In order to change their legal gender, they must give up their right to privacy, divorce their partner, and loose control over their bodies and their ability to reproduce. Also, they have to use documents showing their wrong gender, which this can lead to discrimination in their everyday life , for example when they apply to