Tuckman's Five-Stage Model Of Group Development

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Growth development in groups do not occur after one session because it takes some time for group members to warm up to each other, learn about group goals and develop group roles. The five-stage model of group development by Tuckman suggests that there must be five stages that groups go through as they change over time. The first stage is known as forming where members experience tentative interactions, tension, and concern over ambiguity, growing interdependence and attempts to identify the nature of the situation (Forsyth 2014). Reflecting back to the very first group session that took place in January, there were only three members present at the time and so during this stage, members interacted with one and another but there were no roles …show more content…

Wheelan investigated the impact of small and large groups regarding group development and productivity. The study included 329 participants and those selected to be apart of the study must have been in groups for 6 months or more, ranging from groups of 3 to 25 members. Of the 329 work groups, 56.5% were functioning in for-profit organizations while 43.5% were functioning in non-profit organizations. Groups worked together on tasks such as, developing a plan to improve postoperative care, coordinating curriculum, and reducing the amount of time needed to complete a transaction. Data were collected from these groups and team consultants who are trained to administer the Group Development Questionnaire submitted it to the database. The Questionnaire included categories similar to Tuckman’s five-stage model. The results show that group size is linked with group development and productivity. The smaller the group, the more successful groups will be in attaining group goals because, members will feel a sense of comfort when contributing to the group goals and members can also connect with each other on a personal level that will increase group …show more content…

There is no doubt that The Dream Team excelled in this beyond expectations. All members in the group including the author (Member A) provided social support for one and another regarding class work and even personal life support. For example, the group members always communicated outside of class and during times of stress due to upcoming exams, the members worked together to keep each other motivated and provided emotional support. The CIHI, an independent non-profit corporation states that positive interaction and emotional support predict improvements in times of distress (CIHI, 2012), and so by achieving this, group members will feel better off to view things in a positive light. Informational support is evident in The Dream Team. For example, during the time of the second Behaviour in Groups exam, members provided helpful advice and guidance specifically to member B because she also had another scheduled exam that she was panicking about. This type of support helped member B to feel a sense of relief and