Tupa Tupac: The Most Inspirational Form Of Art

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When I think of art, the first thing that comes to mind is music. Music has no exact definition. Music I believe is the most inspirational form of art. I believe this because of all the different types of music including everything from hard rock too contemporary sad music to extremely up beat. There truly is something for every one. My favorite artist is Tupac Shakur, he grew up on the streets of New York and California. Living on the streets was hard for him as he fell deep into the streets, such as, selling drugs and getting into gangs. This wasn't the hardest part of his life. He said the hardest part was his mother that was addicted to hard drugs throughout his life. Another hardship he said he went through was not having a father figure in his life. He received his first break for rapping when he got into the rap group called Digital Underground. His first album "2Pacalypse Now” had three hits that set him apart from the rest of the group. His most famous album was “Me Against the World” this album went two times platinum. This album has my favorite song “Dear Mama”. In this song he talks about how his mom tried as hard as she could to raise somebody that already thought he was a man. He reminisces about when he was young having his mom come in late at night from her job to try and make them a hot meal.

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