
Type 2 Diabetes Science Report

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Science Internal.

Hello. In this science report ( Internal ) i will be talking about how diabetes has become a bigger issue in New Zealand over the last 10 years. Secondly the science stuck behind type 2 diabetes and all the problems that comes along with having diabetes. Thirdly and final is the differences between a person with diabetes and a person without diabetes.

Diabetes is one of the biggest international health problems. In New Zealand type 2 diabetes has become a lot more common in the last 10 years. Being overweight does increase your chance of getting diabetes. This has a negative effect on your body because your body makes enough insulin but the cells have become more resistant, so therefore it cant take in as much insulin …show more content…

This is called insulin resistance. When there is not enough insulin or the insulin is not being used as it should be, glucose (Sugar) can not get into the bodies cells. When glucose builds up in the blood instead of going into the bodies cells the body is not able to function properly. Other problems associated with the build up of glucose in the blood include : Damage to the body over time, high blood pressure, can damage the nerves …show more content…

With a person with diabetes their body can't/doesn't use the insulin properly. Also a person with diabetes can lead to having live time issues i.e Blindness, Kidney Damage, Nerve Damage and also Blood Vessel Problems. With type 2 diabetes the insulin isn't put to use at all, the body completely ignore the process of the insulin. Type 2 diabetes is caused by the lack of exercise and all the unhealthy food that that person eats, but it can easily change if you change your life style. You can easily find out whether or not you have diabetes, this included you always needing to pee, always wanting water, fast weight loss, change in vision, itching and being tired. You can help solve this by eating healthy, exercising, medication and insulin. In someone without diabetes the insulin goes in the cells and produces glucose, and a person with type 2 diabetes does not/ does not produce enough insulin to produce the glucose, and the body does not recognise the process of the glucose. This is called insulin resistance.

From the research and information given i found that the source http://www.diabetes.org.nz/about_diabetes/type_2_diabetes very reliable because it had alot of information that i needed and made it alo easier then it would of been with out it. Plus it was all about New Zealand's diabetes so therefore i didn't have to try and find different places it was all on that page. It has everything that you need

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