Unit 3 Health And Social Care Essay

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This essay will identify and discuss three health and social care settings and demonstrate how three different psychological perspectives can be utilised within the health and social care settings. The essay will discuss and evidence the application of the Humanistic approach, specifically person-centred care, within adult social care services, Behaviourism and how positive reinforcement can be applied within an education environment and Developmental psychology, specifically Attachment theory, and how this can be applied to parents and their infants with health care services.

Humanism is a psychological perception that gives emphasis to the study of the whole person. This approach identifies the personal worth of an individual, and importance of human values and creativity, whilst discussing the human capability to overcome pain, despair and hardship (McLeod, 2015). Humanists believe all individuals have an intrinsic motivation to achieve their maximum potential.
Humanism uses qualitative research methods and discards scientific practice like experiments. …show more content…

Believing we strive to continuously improve ourselves to attain self-actualization. Maslow (1943) a Humanistic psychologist developed a motivational theory known as Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, suggesting that people have a number of needs, and as these needs are met they are able to go on to pursue other needs. Maslow believed humans actions are focused at goal completion, finally resulting in self-actualisation (Learning Theories, 2017). Cherry (2017) discusses how Carl Rogers (1946) who was also a humanist psychologist agreed with Maslow’s main assumptions but but believed for an individual to grow they would need an environment that provides honesty and opportunity to talk about themselves, where they receive acceptance, non-judgmental support and