Human Services Essay

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To be in a position such a Human Services you have to be able to remain neutral in all aspects of contact with individuals. The very definition of Human Services is defined as “uniquely approaching the objective of meeting human needs through an interdisciplinary knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations” (1). As humans we are taught that certain features establish us in the realm of society standards. Such as physical Characteristics that define us a male or female, our health status, or behavior in public. Anything that deviates from our “standard” has deemed as abnormal and is immediately singled out and held to a standard of judgement that may or may not be irrational or misinformed. Being in a field such as human services can have many challenges. Interaction daily with those that may hold a different set of standards from our own can create internal conflict that may limit our ability to serve others. If we become aware of the limitations we hold then the work can be done to overcome those obstacles. For example, in the article “What Unconscious Bias Looks Like” many of us may not be …show more content…

Often the bias we practice can be overcome by first becoming knowledgeable about a population we may come into contact with by practicing competence of the of a population then you may know more about how to effectively approach them. However, competence is only half of it in order to fully engross ourselves in the service of others we must also practice Cultural Humility. Applying the information that we may learn from a population and then applying that information to the skills you have to create a plan that is most effective and comfortable to the individuals being