
Us Air Force U2 Alliance Advantages And Disadvantages

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1. Purpose. Identify capabilities and limitations associated with the US Air Force U2 reconnaissance aircraft. Additionally, provide intelligence collection availability to a Brigade Combat Team (BCT) during a counterinsurgency (COIN) or the near-peer conflict. 2. Background. The US Air Force U2 aircraft is a National-level manned ISR platform capable of collecting multi-intelligence disciplines and disseminating real-time information for up-to-date situational awareness. Furthermore, the U2 is one of the fastest ISR platforms in the DoD’s inventory. Consisting of a fleet of 32 aircraft which are regionally aligned, makes U2 collection possible anywhere throughout world. In a COIN environment, the U2 provides the ability to collect, …show more content…

In turn, infra-red capabilities allow a ground commander to distinguish a target from the terrain and denies an adversary the ability to blend in with the environment. Additionally, the Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar System (SAR) package can display, high-resolution day and night all-weather side-looking airborne radar (SLAR). SAR abilities can collect through smoke, fog, and restricted weather conditions. In turn, SAR allows the ability to see where other ISR assets are denied due to restrictions. Furthermore, SLAR can detect moving and stationary targets and can collect ground moving target indicator (GMTI) information. Additionally, GMTI is valuable to both COIN and near-peer environments due to its ability to discern behaviors based on actions or inactions from a ground target. Lastly, the Senior Glass package possesses an array of sensors capable of geo-locating communications, such a radio calls, signals such as encrypted data streams, and enemy radar emissions. Additionally, Senior Glass is capable of tipping and cueing a target when accompanied with another senor on the U2. Dynamic and fixed targets can be collected on and processed in a shorter time frame in the collections management process. In turn, the faster intelligence can be processed, exploited, and disseminated (PED), the faster a commander can make

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