Us Vs Canada Essay

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The US vs. Canada Cultural dispute:
Cultures play an important role in controlling our lives and our relationships, guide us to shape our perceptions, attributions, judgments and ideas of self-determination and differentiating ourselves from others. Although the cultures are strong, they are often unconscious, influencing the conflict and trying to solve the conflict in an invisible way.
Canada has shared many attributes with their neighboring country the United States of America; such as they speak same language and mostly watch the same television programs and movies and read almost the same type of literature and books. The other similarities, between Canada and the USA, they can capture the signals of the satellite and radio programming …show more content…

In spite of the low proportion of domestically produced magazines in Canada, the Canadian government has nonetheless identified the production of magazines as an important touchstone of Canadian national identity. In 1970, a special Canadian governmental Committee on Mass Media concluded that “Magazines constitute the only national press we possess in Canada….Magazines, because of their freedom from daily deadlines, can aspire to a level of excellence that is seldom attainable through other media. Magazines, in a different way from any other medium, can help foster Canadians a sense of realization of their identity.” (Davey et al, …show more content…

Culture always has been a factor in conflict, whether it plays a central role or influences subtly and gently. Globalization is a phenomenon which creates and innate the conflict that touches us where it matters, where we make meaning (take pride) and hold our identities, there is always a cultural component. Inflexible conflicts like the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or the India-Pakistan conflict over Kashmir are not just about territorial, boundary, and sovereignty issues -- they are also about acknowledgement, representation, and legitimization of different identities and ways of living, being, and assigning very own meaning to our