Validity And Reliability Of A Response To A Survey

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“Validity and reliability are important concepts in research as they capture the measurement properties of a survey, questionnaire or other type of measure,”. In the human sciences we use questionnaires and interviews as the main methods of acquiring knowledge, so how can we ensure the validity and reliability of a response to a questionnaire? It is thought that the way you ask questions affects the response, depending on the wording. Many say that we can never control what another person is thinking or how they respond to a certain question. Others think that we can come up with a way to ask questions in such a way that we can ensure a truthful response. Time and time again, leading questions are asked during interviews and questionnaires …show more content…

They also suggest an odd number of options as this allows for respondents to choose the neutral option and this results in less questions being left blank 2.
Regarding administration “Make workplace surveys individually anonymous and make sure that employees can complete the survey in about 20 minutes.” Respondents are much more likely to participate in surveys if they know that their names aren’t going to be revealed and that they will stay anonymous as no one wants to reveal too much about themselves. People are busy, nobody likes surveys and assessments. If a questionnaire seems overly time-consuming, not many people will participate and results will therefore be unreliable. When surveys are long, respondents’ answers become automatic and overly positive 2.
They also say that most research shows that appearance affects the results of a questionnaire, when the questions are about a particular person, for example people with large eyes and more symmetrical faces are seen to be more honest

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