Vark Learning Styles Essay

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The VARK model of learning styles suggests that there are four main types of learners. These four key types are: visual learners, auditory leaners, reading and writing learners, and kinesthetic learners (Cherry, 2017). Developed in 1987 by Neil Fleming, These various types of learning styles are used to determine how people learn the best. In Fleming’s model known as the VARK learning styles, learners are identified by which preferred learning style they have. “VARK is about one preference, our preference for taking in and putting out information in a learning context (Fleming, 2001). In order to determine a person’s learning style, there are several assessments and exams used for interpretation.
Summary of Preferred Learning Styles
After taking the VARK analysis assessment, the results are as follows: Visual Learner (4), Aural Learner (7), Read/write learner (11), and Kinesthetic learner (9). According to the VARK description of read/write learner, this method of learning involves making lists and taking notes. Kinesthetic being the next preferred learning style. This type of learner style involves hands on, real live experience. Aural and visual leaner follows, not being the …show more content…

For this learning style, tangibility, hands using all five senses (sight, touch, taste, smell, and hearing) is most beneficial. Also, learning by trial and error fits into this category of learning. Preferred learning strategies include case studies and real-life applications to help with abstract concepts (Kelli Allen, 2010). Next preferred learning style would be read/write. Read write learners prefer to learn through information displayed as words (Kelli Allen, 2010). This students benefits from taking notes and rewriting notes into own words to creating bulleted lists. This type of style is “more to the point” and information is