
Walt Disney Research Paper

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Leadman 1

Mallory Leadman

Mrs. Randolph

English 11

12 October 2017

Mickey Mouse Creation

The first time the public paid attention to Mickey Mouse was when he was in a short film of Steamboat Willie. Mickey was imagined by Walt Disney in 1928. Disney started working at Universal studios, drawing and creating characters. He designed Oswald “the Lucky Rabbit.” Mickey Mouse was supposed to be a rabbit and Oswald friend, but Universal took the rights away from Walt Disney. When Disney was creating what mickey would look like he changed Oswald into a mouse, and made it Mortimer. Mickey had he own short film and aired …show more content…

Owen Suskind, is a little boy with autism. He learned how to speak and talk with people because he learned it from the Disney movies. Disney films makes kids nicer over time, and they often act more positive after seeing a Disney movie. People with Autism are normal unsocial, and have hard times smiling and expressing normal emotions. Kids can form bonds with characters. autistic kids are not very well socially. The characters show them how to interact with other kids. Disney helps the brain think and imagine. Cartoons teach tools that inspire creativity and makes you use your imagination. Teaches kids to be more independent, most Disney movies don’t have parents in them. Which makes the character to take a new path. Which helps Autistic kids, who do not go to their parents to ask for help they are more independent. Helps kids learn in a more instructional orderly fashion, like “Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.” teaches kids about manners and how to use them and talk to people respectfully. Help with temper tantrums and teaching them the right way to deal with things. The character in Disney shows are colorful in personalities and how they talk to one another helps autistic tendencies to clam down and help them speak better. The Theme parks makes things easier with social interactions and kids who have problems paying attention. In the parks there are break areas, rider switches and easy access to things. Disney was educational video taught by characters to help pronounce hard letter and words, so they will understand better. Disney also teaches kids not to worry and encourages to be more accepting of other personalities. Many Disney songs talk about not worrying and letting things go, which help with tempers and health to not cause stress and other health

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