Weeklong Leadership Personal Statement

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In the summer of before I entered freshman year I had the opportunity to go to a weeklong leadership conference through People to People at Harvard University. This program opened my eyes to the importance of being involved in my community. As freshman I was involved in both Varsity Girls Basketball and Varsity Softball. I lettered in both sports each year I have played. I played basketball my freshman and sophomore year winning “The Calvary Award” (a school award) and I have played softball every year being co-captain last year and captain this year. Before high school I was already attending Calvary Baptist Church regularly on Wednesday nights. Within the past year I have seen my dad come to Christ so we now attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays as a family. At my church I am involved with small groups and last summer I helped with VBS. My youth pastor started to talk to me about going on a mission trip to Honduras towards the end of my freshman year. The September after I went on the trip To Orphanage Emmanuel for one week. This trip has impacted my whole life. As I talked about in my application paper, it gave me a feeling of belonging, which I longed to find. I fell in love with the kids, the environment, but most importantly how much they love Jesus. Now I have been able to return 2 more times with my dad. I plan to volunteer my …show more content…

Through this program I gained 55 service hours by helping with Nosara Animal Care and doing many sanding, painting, and teaching projects at a local school in Nosara. Toward the end of this program I was chosen to apply to be an ambassador for the program. Although I had an amazing time, I declined the offer because during the trip I found myself wishing that I had chosen a faith-based organization where I could have shared my faith freely. In this program they asked us to not share too much about our