What Are The Causes Of The Civil War

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There were many causes for the Civil War in the US but there is three that I will talk about, they were the compromise of 1850, the election of President Lincoln, and the conflict over slavery. The biggest reason for the civil war was because the North (Union) wanted slavery to be abolished, and the South (Confederacy) wanted for there to be slavery. The first reason for the Civil War was The Compromise of 1850. The Compromise of 1850 was when Senator Henry Clay introduced a series of resolutions on January 29, 1850, in an attempt to seek a compromise and avert a crisis between North and South. Instead of averting a crisis this caused one. As part of the Compromise of 1850, the Fugitive Slave Act was amended and the slave trade in Washington, D.C., was abolished. This pretty much means that slavery was abolished in the North and the Southerners didn’t like it. This act started tensions between the North and South, and this is why this was one of the causes of the Civil War. …show more content…

Since Republicans didn’t like slavery, and that is what Lincoln was they were afraid that he would abolish slavery once and for all. When Lincoln was running for president he said that he wouldn’t use his power to end slavery because it was important to southern economy. Once Lincoln was elected he got to work on ending slavery. Once he started doing this the south was scared for its economy, so seven southern states seceded from the Union. Since these states seceded Lincoln wanted them back in the Union, but he wanted to get rid of slavery. This is why President Abraham Lincoln’s election was a cause for the Civil