What Are The Officers Behavior Changes In The Police Department

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The officers’ behavior could have improved by using basic principles or police organization. It could have changed the way the officers behaved. Having policies within the law enforcement team would have kept the officers from behaving the way they did because they would have to obide by the procedures. Procedures are more specific than policies, as the means for carrying out policy procedures are in effect and guides action (Cordner, 2016.)

The officers behavior would have changed if using the chain of command prinicple because it is an organization mechanism that establishes formal lines of communication within the police department (Cordner, 2016.) If the officers had been made to use the chain of command proccess, then they would have been watched closely and the Sergeant would have been able to make sure that the patrol officers were not using cliques and were working together as a team. Since the Cheif did not enforce the chain of command policies as needed this gave the officers the opporunity to get away with numerous activites and behaviors. They were able to get by with the behaviors because they did not have to answer to anyone except the Cheif and the Cheif had other jobs that he was working on. The Cheif wasnt able …show more content…

They either require or prohibit specific behavior on the part of organizational employees. Whereas policies are guides to thinking, and procedures are guides to action rules and regulations are mandates or prohibits action (Cordner, 2016.) I feel as if there had been strict rules and regulations the officers wouldnt behave the way they did. If the Cheif would have a strict set or rules and regulations such as the officers believing they have their own roles and can follow out those specific rules and nothing else. No officer should try to outdo another patrol officer or even think that they have as much authority as another patrol

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