What Are The Pros And Cons Of American Hegemony

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The world is going through a change, in terms of both economic and social development and this in turn has affected the way societies have functioned. Societies are becoming increasingly aspirational because of the effects of globalisation; consumerism has increased and so has the demand for all products, the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and the end of bipolarity has brought in more markets and has expanded the global economies. People have shifted to the idea of capitalism and social democracy and have realised its benefits, while this has helped in the expansion of global wealth, it has also led to market hegemony and neo-colonialism by certain countries in search for resources. The end of bipolarity has opened up space for US hegemony that has had both its pros and cons. Where US hegemony and action has ensured restoration of Human Rights and its safekeeping along with the opening of new markets, the very same policies have turned radical and have antagonised a breed of people who have found its actions unjust. Their tendencies to provide arms and training in various conflicts and to act as an outside player that interferes in public policy has created a breed of super-terrorists that not only have machinery and resources to fight governments throughout but are also highly trained. The ISIS in …show more content…

The China-Japan stand-off or the China-Vietnam sand- off are good examples of such an effect. People’s aspiration for democracy and liberty along with economic well being have also fuelled some of these tensions around the world, where people no longer want to be under absolutist rule and under a system that suppresses but be free and make their own choices, such aspiration have been responsible for a number of these