What Are The Three Branches Of The Criminal Justice System

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The Criminal Justice System is separated into three branches. Those branches are Law Enforcement, The Courts, and Corrections. The three branches can be divided even further into local, state and federal police; judges or magistrates, prosecution (pre-trial services), and probationary officials to include, corrections guards, paroling authorities, parole and probation officials
The first branch is Law Enforcement. This is the first place or first encounter that someone who has committed a crime or suspected of committing a crime will start. The Law enforcement officials are responsible for detecting or respond to crimes and violators of crime. They are charged with keeping the peace and having a partnership with the public as they (the public) help in reporting crimes, cooperate as witnesses, and help with crime prevention programs (Fagin).
The second branch of the Criminal Justice System are the Courts System. This branch is responsible for the administrative portion. They decide whether the evidence presented by the police is sufficient to pursue …show more content…

They also have a responsibility of having open communication with not only each other but also with the community that they are hired to serve. They complement each other by first the law enforcement branch investigate the crime and collects the evidence, collects individual’s names (person committing the crime or witnesses that may have seen the crime being committed), arrest or detain individuals. From there it moved to the courts system which weigh the data/evidence that was presented to them and decide whether it is enough to go forward or is there not enough evidence and they must release. Finally the corrections system which is charged to place the individual in the proper correctional facility and to ensure that the individual falls into a probation period or parole criteria is