What Impact Your School Vision

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5. Describe what impact your school vision/mission statement has upon the interpersonal relationships of faculty, parents, and professional colleagues? (2-3 paragraphs) With the school motto as I stated above all teachers are looking for students that are upholding this motto. Any teacher can praise a student for doing their best in the school. I feel this has brought the school closer together as teachers are watching for the positive instead of the negative.
Gone are the days when another teacher would be walking toward you and you think what student of mine has done something now. Even though this does happen from time to time. Most teachers are now talking to each other about good deeds they have seen.
Teachers are calling parents …show more content…

Personal Reflection – As you completed this AAA, please describe new learning, feelings, or insights you may have experienced? (1-2 paragraphs) I have been thinking about a mission statement and a vision statement for my classroom. I want to have data binders in my classroom next year. The first tab in the binder would contain the Iron County’s mission/vision statement, the school’s mission/vision statement, I want the parents to come up with their own mission/vision statement and I want the students to come up with their own mission/vision statement. I know that this is a lot of mission/vision statement I would encourage all be one page or less if possible. By doing this, as a team district, school, teacher, parent and student we could see what is valued by all. I could also see items parents and students value and see how I can incorporate this in my teaching and in my classroom. I believe when students see that everyone around them wants them to be successful and is willing to help them become such, that their education will take on a personal meaning for them. They are no longer just at school to be somewhere, they are at school to accomplish goals set by them and their parents to help them become successful adults in the

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