Charter schools have been around since the 1980’s. It is a public school that is becoming to be popular year after year. Charter schools are schools that are funded publically just as a public school, yet it is organized by a certain group of people. In Grace Chen’s article of “What is a Charter School” she describes it as a nook between a public school and a private school. Charter schools are a balance between private school systems in a public setting, and it has certain opportunities for students. She talks about how charter schools are given a certain time limit of five years to have academic achievement or the charter school will be closed. The article tells the reader how the word “charter” came about in the 1970’s from New England with …show more content…
This idea soon had states in America passing laws to build charter schools all around to experiment for themselves, and it now is one of the fastest growing forms of education. These schools offer children more experiences within a field of interest or career, and it also gives kids a different setting of learning in smaller class sizes (Chen). Chen then explains that charter schools not only have smaller class sizes, but schools significantly have less students than a traditional high school. It is said that being a board member or an administrator of a charter school is easier than a public school (Chen). She describes the system having more authority with the type of decisions they make within the school. Chen states “Teachers and administrators have more authority to make decisions than most traditional public schools. Basically, these schools are free from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools” …show more content…
Most people aim for the standard public school in a local area, or a public charter school nearby. In the article, “Charter Schools vs. Traditional Public Schools: Which One is Under Performing?” explains how charter schools are a contemporary version of a public school. Author Grace Chen states that a lot of studies about students’ achievement within charter and public schools are 50% with and against charter schools. She describes how the media make charter schools sound successful, yet it turns out some studies discover differently (Public School Review). The article tells the reader that there are many studies that are either against or for charter schools. Public School Review states how charter schools have an increase with test scores, but it isn’t as high as expected. Chen then explains, “[e]xperts found that 37% percent of charter schools posted improvements in math scores; however, these improvement rates were significantly below the improvement rates of students in public school classrooms.” The academic rates of students within charter schools were successful, but the amount of success some charter schools have don’t compare to public schools. Charter schools have shown in New York that the performance in English was one percent from a public schools performance. It is uncovered from that charter schools have increase improvement in subjects