What Is A Magazine Advertisement Titled By The Always: Discreet Underwear

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Imagine living in a society where everyone judged us for how we dressed, talked, looked, owned, felt, and more on. Well guess what, we are living in a society like that. A society that judges people based on who they are. People fear society because they can not be themselves. It’s as if they are trapped or enslaved because they have to follow the way of society. This puts a lot of people down making them feel trapped or unwanted. This divine vision of perfection on a woman's body, by the Always: Discreet Underwear was displayed in a issue of Better Homes and Gardens, a magazine advertisement geared towards that of young woman, sexually active woman. The sexual Always: Discreet Underwear advertisement effectively persuades sexually active woman, …show more content…

Always is just trying to make a woman feel as if they are ugly if they do not buy their products because of the underwear outline and how unsightly that makes them look because we all know how much society love plump and nice buttocks. The first text being used was, “Made you look.” It’s like if the company is warning females that we are always looking at their behinds. They’re indicating that if they want to be looked at more, they should buy these underwears so we can look at them without being disgusted. The second text being used in the advertisement was, “And yes, I’m wearing them.” What the advertisement company is trying to say is that with these new and improved underwears, It will look phenomenal no matter what day it is, because it is a discreet underwear and they won't have to worry or be ashamed of ever wearing underwears and feeling uncomfortable because a few girls are afraid that someone may see that underwear outline and make fun of them. What made this interesting was the way how the company put the slogan on the woman's behind. It’s like they really wanted us to focus in the middle of the advertisement, right where this models buttocks were. The text shows the sexual need from people and also how society views people by hinting off that we look at each other in sexual