What Is Global Warming Persuasive Essay

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Have you ever wondered why the temperature is as people say so moody? Well that is one of the easiest questions to answer because its apart of something that we do unconsciously, we might be making our lives easier but we are shortening our life span and the life span of the world as well by producing greenhouse gases and increasing global warming. I’m sure you’re wondering what greenhouse gases and global warming is, well global warming is the increase in temperature in the earth’s atmosphere which is caused by pollutants like carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases is when the heat from the sun is trapped in the earth’s lower atmosphere. We cause greenhouse gases in unexpected ways, did you know that ceramic and glass production, …show more content…

There are things that are happening in the world that are caused by global warming and greenhouse gasses which will endanger our lives sooner or later, things such as high country changes, which means that there is a lower amount of snowfall in certain areas in the world, the seasons change at national parks which means over the years the best times to go to tourist attractions have changes , all of these are effects of global warming but also greenhouse gases have their own effects in the world , things like ocean acidification which is when the carbon dioxide makes up to 30% of the oceans , change in plant growth and nutrition, plants grow faster because of carbon dioxide but have less nutrition because they are growing fast and don’t have enough time to grasp the nutrients from the soil and sunlight. Ozone layer depletion, nitrous gases are the most important ozone depleting substance, but with all this bad there are good effects that these things have, greenhouse gases, it contributes towards the survival on earth, without greenhouse gases the temperature would be as the temperature on the moon which differs during the day and night. We as humans might not see carbon dioxide as important but it plays a vital part in plants and animals, in means of photosynthesis and