What Is Raising The Driving Age Essay

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Many think that raising the legal driving age would save many teenage lives. Countless lives are being threatened or taken away because of the reckless actions of teens make while driving( Davis 1). The legal driving age should be increased to 18. At the age of 18, you are a legal adult which means you can make more adult decisions when driving. It would save more lives and at the age of 16 your brain is not developed.
First, A reason why teens may be dying is because of their age and the way their brains work. It is scientifically proven that a 16 year olds brain is underdeveloped. The text shows that “ Scientists at NIH have found that this vital area develops through the teenage years and isn’t fully mature until 25” ( Davis 1). Also a 16 year olds brain can be more “developed than and 18 year old” (Davis 1) . …show more content…

Sixteen year olds are involved in car crashes nearly 5 times the rate of drivers 20 and older. This proves that the 16 year olds are more dangerous when driving than 20 year olds and older. Even teens of the same age are supporting the idea of raising the driving age. According to the article “ Raising the legal driving age would benefit society as a whole” ( Davis 1 ).
When teens drink many bad things can happen, but even when drunk, the statistics show that only 10 % of 16 year olds killed in car crashes had a blood alcohol test of higher than .10 compared with 43% of 20 to 49 year olds killed. Meaning most teen crashes are from driver error, and immaturity. Most adults would be able to avoid and control such errors. Recent research noticed a pattern, more teen deaths are from immaturity than actual experience ( Davis 1)