Should Driving Age Be Raised For Young Drivers Essay

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The breaking of glass and the screeching of tires, jolts you back to reality. As you’re propelled forward you crash thru the windshield and hit the ground with a sickening thud, all you can do is lay there listening to the sound of sirens growing fainter and fainter before you’re engulfed in darkness. You were only 18. In 2008, 2,739 15-20-year-old drivers were killed and an additional 228,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. This is why the driving age should be raised for young drivers because they aren’t educated enough in motor vehicles to drive safely. The driving age should be raised because young drivers aren’t educated enough in motor vehicles. “Young drivers are more often in fatal crashes than others, in 2008, 12% of all crashes were young drivers ages 15-20 years old. (5-6, 22)” …show more content…

(1-4, 24)” These young drivers aren’t taught well enough in motor vehicles to be able to drive safely. Stricter driving laws and education would ensure safer roads. “Among 15-20-year-old drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2008, 30% of those who do not have a valid operator license at the time also had previous license suspensions and revocations (1-4, 25).” Better influence of these laws would help ensure drivers with license revocations stayed off the roads. “While the rules vary state by state they generally set a minimum age for earning a driver permit or license and require a set number of supervised hours behind the wheel, and some prohibit driving with fellow teenagers, ban night driving or require at least six months of instructions before a driver’s test (8-12, 26).” Now with more laws that restrict young drivers from distractions the better, not only will it keep them safe but other drivers as well. And people opposing this may say that bumping up restrictions and extra classes won’t matter because kids will just wait till they are 18 to avoid these extra