Should Driving Age Be Changes From 16 To 18

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In most states, the legislature is considering of increasing driving age from 16 to 18. Driving age shouldn’t be changes from 16 because it’ll take longer for people to gain knowledge of how the road works. People will end up getting in more wrecks if they change the age. It will positively benefit if they keep the age the same. If they keep the age the same then teens can start working earlier, they get more independence, and if they wait till 18 they the teens have a bigger chance of wrecking going to work. Of they keep the driving age as it is, then people can start working earlier. By working earlier it sets them up for life. When they work earlier then they can make money to pay for insurance for if they do get in wrecks. If they work earlier then they can start saving up for future items such as houses, car, family, etc. and by doing this they get a head start on life.
As teens drive they get a taste of freedom. Independence should come slowly not all at once. This is so teens don't get to power happy. If you give small bits of independence then the teens will respond better under pressure. By letting them drive at 16 it allows them to get enough independence to get a job to pay for insurance so that if they do crash it isn’t as bad. …show more content…

Since they haven’t been driving long then they're more prone to wrecking which will end up costing you more than you can pay. If they get to drive earlier they are able to work and they can pay for insurance and if they wreck then they can pay for it. It will make life harder to pay for if you can drive earlier. So by keeping it at 16 teens get a better chance to pay for life. People might say a good reason to change the age is that people who are 18 have gained maturity and will be able to make better