What Is Standardized Testing Persuasive Essay

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Standardized Testing Many schools put students through standardized testing which in turn places the students in certain classes thought to be right for that student; however, many of these tests do not accurately measure the students capability. Tests that students take, who are in high school, are meant to prepare them for college and to let them know where they stand academically and how much scholarship money they could earn. Today, schools are putting too much importance and emphasis in these tests, the cost to get into college if you do not score well on these tests is infallible, and many students who do well in the classroom and have good grades do not test well, therefore, those students do not get the academic support that they deserve in college. Standardized test are meant to place students academically where they belong and also retain …show more content…

Testing though out schools in the United States is viewed as one of the most important aspects in determining whether or not a student is smart enough and has the learning capability to be successful in college. These tests that students have to take are meant to be equal for all students so that they can accurately be examined on there academic skill level; however, these test are not equal for all students because some of the students who take the test may have test anxiety; therefore, they will score lower than what they are actually capable of. As seen in this article written by Anya Kamenetz, who is lead education blogger at NPR, a former staff writer for Fast Company magazine, and a columnist for Tribune Media Services, and she is also the author of several books about education and technology, it can be seen that too much emphasis on these tests can be negative for the students, “A little bit of stress can be healthy and motivational. Too much, or the