
The Importance Of Communication And Effective Communication

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Effective and efficient communication is vital within any setting of work, or even general day to day life. It enables individuals to contact each other, whether this is through oral, written, computerised or special methods of communication. Communication is ‘passing messages between people or organisations’ (BBC, 2013). As well as messages, it can be used to deliver important information as it is reliable and quick, some communication types quicker than others, for example, email. On the other hand, it is used for general uses such as asking someone how their day has been or having everyday conversations. Another source refers to communication as being the ‘exchange of information between individuals, groups or organisations’ (Richards and Ford, 2010). I believe that this is a more allegeable definition of communication as, when communicating with people, there is more of an ‘exchange’ than there is just ‘passing’. …show more content…

Feelings and emotions are very easily portrayed when communicating with someone, therefore, it is important to make sure the receiver fully understands what is being said and does not take the message in the wrong way. There are two different types of communication, these being formal communication and informal communication. Formal communication is usually planned and is more frequently used in the workplace or when talking to someone about serious situations; where as informal communication includes normal everyday conversations and is often not

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