
What Is The Sustainability Of The Current North American Automotive Industry

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Diving in the history of automotive industry, how did American automotive industry survive and thrive under domination of European automotive industry? Many causes occurred in evolution which corner stoned sustainability of the current North American automotive industry. Among all reasons, Fordism was an inevitable revolution that played a significantly important role in expanding personal mobility during 1940s via initiation of standardization in production line and mass production in manufacturing process, creation of five-dollar day and five-day workweek policy, promotion in economy, and stabilization of American automotive industry. “In 1800, the only practical way to travel and trade across long distances was along …show more content…

Before Henry Ford introduced the assembly line into his factory, the time needed in completing and engine, axles and springs took up to twelve and a half hours while after his genius invention of the assembly line proposal, the completion time for the process was decreased to two point six hours . The two point six hours only, which was about one sixth time, needed compared to previous manufacture; this tremendous shortening of time consumption promoted working time efficiency. Shortening of production line (assembly line) was just the beginning, quoting from Charles …show more content…

As stated earlier, introduction of the assembly line into factory manufacturing helped decreasing the time needed for a completion of chassis (engine, axels, and springs), which improved dramatic work efficiency progressively. The old record of twelve and a half hour of a set of chassis could now produce six times more sets of chassis, which decreased the cost of materials and labors in order to lower the cost of a model car. Fordism had achieved in promoting automotive for individuals (especially the middle class) rather than the rich only since the hand craft made cars took long time and work in finishing a car model that the cost of a car was fairly high and unaffordable to common people (the middle class). By approaching to the goal of making a car (T model) affordable to common people, the invention of the assembly line obtained the credit in reducing the cost of Ford’s T model which made it more acceptable, affordable to the common people. The audience objective was then expanded and would make more profit for the company in the long

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