Imagine sitting in a building surrounded by 400 other people with different interests and different dreams. Imagine sitting in classrooms for 8 hours being told what to do and what to think. Imagine coming to school every day facing a new source of stress. Imagine coming to school having to deal with someone who bullies you everyday. Imagine waking up at 5:30 every morning and only getting 4 hours of sleep and then falling asleep in class. Imagine coming home to your parents telling you to do chores, when all you want to do is lay down. Imagine coming home and doing homework for hours and you’re only left an hour or two to wind down and relax and then going to sleep to do it all again. Imagine your parents yelling at you for not doing your …show more content…
I’m a student myself and I come to find that homework is my number 1 factor of stress because I fear that my grades will go down. We are given a lot of homework each week and we are expected to turn it on time with all of the answers being completely correct. Kids today are stressed out at the fact that it is so easy to fail school, when it comes to the tests, homework, exams. Exams are a different story, exams are so stressful to the point where people can 't even enjoy anything without worrying about the fact that if they don 't pass that they’re going to fail. Worrying about grades too much obviously causes stress and many things are caused by stress. According to “mayoclinic” Indeed, stress symptoms can affect your body, your thoughts and feelings, and your behavior. Being able to recognize common stress symptoms can give you a jump on managing them. Stress that 's left unchecked can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood pressure, heart disease, obesity and diabetes. So if we continue to keep this up and let kids stress out over work, things like these just might happen, It might seem like a slim chance but if someone gets that slim chance and is diagnosed with a disease due to stress, Imagine how that person would feel, Its our time to make a