What Were The Causes Of The American Revolution Research Paper

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1. There were several causes of the American Revolution, including disputation over philosophy, government, and money. One of the most important causes of the American Revolution was America’s independent way of thinking. The tradition of independence and self-ruling was established in the new world since the beginning of English colonization and played an important role in the American Revolution. Those who colonized the new world had a very strong independent streak and always desired new opportunities and more freedom. Moreover, considering that Britain was a long way away from the new world, the American people didn't want anyone overseas to tell them how to live their lives and how to rule their state. In addition to that, the existence of colonial legislatures, which were allowed to levy taxes, pass laws, and mobilize the troops, were another confirmation that America was very independent from the crown not only in the way of thinking, but also from the perspective of authority in the new world. …show more content…

According to this concept, the colonies were given freedom in external trade which would stimulate commerce. The innovative ideas of the Enlightenment were used by the political leaders and had an impact on the American Revolution. The writings of Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and many others proclaimed the concepts of limited government, separation of power, etc., which subsequently, laid in the foundation of the Declaration of Independence. For example, Thomas Paine and his Common Sense was one of most influential creations in the American history that made the American public to support the Revolution and condemn the monarchy in