Which Protein Tested Has The Highest Amount Of Sugar And Starch

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Which protein brand out of the three proteins tested has the highest amount of protein and the lowest amounts of sugar and starch?
We know that all three proteins are commercially available among many other brands and they all have different amounts and ratios of protein,starch, and sugar. Finding the “best” protein powder, containing the most protein content and the least amounts of sugar and starch can be hard for the consumer to judge based solely on the nutrition label. This experiment was based on the fact that nutrition labels between brands can be misleading, making it hard to choose which protein actually contains the most protein.
Supplement sample three will be better than supplement one and nine because it contain the most protein content and least amount of sugar and starch content and will have the highest ratio of protein to other ingredients.
My group predicted that supplement sample three will …show more content…

Next, we diluted each supplement and prepared three test tubes of each supplement and three test tubes containing positive controls of each of the reagents for comparison. Finally, we added the reagents to each sample and observed the color change. The independent variables were the supplement sample type(1, 3, and 9). The dependent variable was the color change or precipitate formed in each sample. The constants were the amounts of solution in each test tube and their ratio to each reagent and the types of reagents used. The control groups were the negative control groups of plain solutions such as water and positive control groups of each reagent reacted with what it measured; for example, Benedict’s reagent was mixed with sugar water, Biuret’s Reagent was reacted with a pure protein, and Lugol’s reagent was reacted with a pure starch in order to have something to compare our protein solutions

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