Who Was To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death Essay

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In the death of Romeo and Juliet many of there kin and friends were to blame, but who really was the fault to there death. Was Romeo and Juliet’s suicide a consequence for their family feud? If the Capulets and Montagues would have been family friends, would the suicide of these two have happened? In my theory these people were to blame- Lady Capulet, Friar Lawrence, and Lord Capulet. In the Capulet family, Lady Capulet was a major factor in the suicides of these two. Lady Capulet pushed Juliet to the edge by forcing her to marriage with Paris. Lady Capulet was high society and wanted her daughter to marry the best of the best. Lady Capulet would dare not let Juliet marry a Montague. When Lady Capulet proposed marriage, Juliet said she would “look to love”, Lady Capulet wanted more than that she wanted Juliet too marry soon and to have children of her own to carry on the family name. Juliet did not want to rush into marriage this is why Lady Capulet could have been a factor in the suicides of these two. …show more content…

Friar Lawrence was asked by Juliet to give her a spell of sleeping, she wanted to fake a death. Once Lawrence put her to sleep, his last job was to send word to Romeo that Juliet was dead. Friar Lawrence could not get the letters to send through, this made Romeo curious so he started to look for Juliet“I could not send it,-here it is again,-...”. Romeo was curious to find his soon to be wife so he went to search for Juliet. When he found Juliet, he thought that she was dead so he drank poisoned wine to commit his own death. If Friar Lawrence would have gotten the letters to go through, Romeo would have not killed