Whole Foods: Sustainability, Corporate Social Responsibility

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Whole Foods appear to have an admirable and active viewpoint in sustainability, corporate social responsibility and environmental awareness. Whole Foods themselves state that, from their inception in 1980, ethical and environmentally friendly policies have been integrated into their operations at both a local and company wide level (2017.) Perhaps what is most impressive about their policy is that it is not just a case of making token gestures; their policies are apparent in their everyday business operations, and are extended to, and expected of, their employees. After all, Whole Foods believes that in an ideal future, companies, governments and institutions will all be held accountable for their actions (2017.)
For instance, in terms of daily operations, Whole Foods has made some …show more content…

It would be hard to find an organisation where ethics and environmental concern permeate decisions and policies as much as they do with Whole Foods Market.


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